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A Personal Unified Field Theory

A Unified Field Theory

By Jeffry J. Archambeault

Ver .04 - May, 2010

Last Modified

July, 2009 - added reference to link between astrology and quantum physics

May 14, 2010 - added link to TED talk on Cymatics, comment about title of this document.

May 31, 2010 - copied to site for full wikification

August 27, 2018 - link from Radiolab re light stimulation for Alzheimer’s disease treatment.

October 17, 2021 - link to "Resonance Theory" article

WaveBookAbstract (very)

These are mostly notes to myself...loose connections that act as pointers to grander thoughts running around in my space. I've tried to piece together some coherency, but this is what you get when someone explains how they relate to the universe around, and within, them.

It's called "WaveBook", but its more about the interactions between the waves, ie harmonics, things that generate waves, and symptoms of harmonics.

  1. Introduction
    • "Unified Field" defined
    • everything (happening) in the given field
    • what kinds of stimuli create emotional change in humans
    • physical effects of emotions (and vise versa)
    • emotional results of physical events
    • Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenburg, and Stover (Russell)
  2. Wave Propagation
  3. The Rhythm of Love
  4. The Blue Room (alludes to "outside")
    • Effects of Color on Human Emotion
  5. Earth-Tone Souls
  6. Body Electric
    • Brain/body as antennas
    • unused mass tunable antennas
    • Body Waves - body's natural rhythms
    • Auras
    • Kirillian Photography
    • Sexual differences
  7. The Math/Science of It
    • Frequency Spectrum (~0 - nTHz)
    • How each band (action, emotion, sound, light) relate to each other (in musical terms and not)
    • What corresponds with a shift to a higher harmonic
    • Can such harmonics be calculated (the point, really)
    • Scalability
    • Must be able to work on micro/macrocosmic levels
    • Statistics
  8. Practical Uses
    • Biofeedback
    • Mood Ring (an accurate one)
    • Psychic measurement
    • Dianetics? (remove pending lawsuit?)
    • Helping Earth move to "higher harmonic"
    • New Music, Ritual
    • Weather Forecasting (& control?)




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