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We, the current inhabitants of this Earth, live under the influence of, and are a major manipulator of the Earth's magnetic field. This could be scientifically measured. But the most major, organized, and reasonably tuned (when I use tuned, vibration, frequency, harmonic, wave, I mean to use terms related to electromagnetic wave principles...the same as in music, light, plate tectonics, radio, and emotion) energy source is any given society. Given several differently minded societies at different points on the globe, all resonating at slightly enough frequencies together. Different societies (morals) guide carrier waves based on it's focal points.

Somewhere in the cacophony of frequencies, there are commonalties. Humans resonate emotional energy (a definable, measurable spectrum), we have life-cycle energies (age, working status, sleep-schedule, eating schedule) on different frequency bands all giving the Earth, with it's own life cycles, weather patterns, day-night cycle all humming their own tunes separately, but together. So here we have an entity (Earth and its inhabitants) vibrating on various wavelengths bouncing around and interacting with each other. These are (sub)harmonics. They aren't clear tones- they don't strike a chord, but have many chords playing simultaneously (not together, but related).

Granted, many different types of entities exist on this planet, all 'humming' at a different energy-level, electromagnetically, and that each has an effect in, and is effected by it's environment, each depending on each-other (biologically and electromagnetically) all helping to create the frequency of Earth's combined 'hum'.

It seems to me that if emotions (major motivators in human life) drive our actions, and our actions change the Earth's vibrational-level, and that emotions are, are a by-product of, or are a function of some energy, and as an energy, can and is affected by 'wave dynamics', a concerted effort in any group of people or society so focused in thought or action, can create and cause, electromagnetic effects. High-powered radio transmitters can cook food, while high-powered emotions can cause appropriate actions (emotion-to-action ratio?)

So we have an Earth, vibrating on some given harmonic, subject to the vibrational influence of it's inhabitants, which is mostly dis-harmonic. Societies, groups, and like-mindedness bring some focus to such energies. Meditation and magick are tuned (tho undetermined) mind-sets. When people 'think green' and are Earth conscious in their actions, they resonate frequencies harmonious to the Earth's own vibration. We all know what happens when either we don't think on that level, or think on levels that 'degrade' or lower the Earth's frequency. Now these mind-sets are neither good nor bad, they just are. This happens cumulatively, effecting the Earth's frequency on different harmonic levels.

If one were to enumerate and label each property/quality of the phenomenon we call living here on Earth, using standard statistical methods, given all the possibilities of thought/action probable, along those extrapolated to be possible, can be referred to as the total combined entropy of Earth. The term "property/quality" is a phrase I'm using to illustrate the particle/wave nature of macro-atomic existence. We would not be able to relate to any of this data unless it took our perspective of causality into consideration.

We are what we think, or lead into thinking.

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