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Club Info

Information and Documentation for the Club and its Membership
File Warren County Radio Club Membership form
New members should fill out this W2WCR Membership Form. Membership dues are $20 a year. Additional members living in the same household/address are $5 each. You can bring your dues to the next meeting, send it in by mail or now you can pay online through PayPal.
Warren County Radio Club Inc. documents
Official Minutes from Club Meetings
Paid Club Members
Just a list so members can confirm membership status
EC-001 Documents
These are the various Traffic Handling forms and documents we were given copies of during the EC-001 training class
RACES Documents
General Information
Field Day
Credit Card Shirt Order
Click here to order shirts with a credit card or Paypal
Shirt order form for cash
Use this link to order shirts and pay cash
Club Officials
Chris Franco AF2V
Vice President
Bernie Capron N1NDN
Ron Lyke W2PLK
Julie Paquette N2JUL
Repeater Trustee
Bernie Capron N1NDN
Steve Johnson KB1IVE
Board of Directors
George Dunklee KD2FKH
Ted Wright KC2BLE
Steve Leonard NY2SL

Served Agency Liaisons

Warren County RACES
Radio Officer
David Gealt KD2BVA
Deputy Radio Officer
Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Warren County ARES
Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA
Assistant Emergency

Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Washington County

Radio Officer
Jami Olden N2ZTC

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Bernie Capron N1NDN

Northern District, ENY Section ARES
Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA

Warren County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Cooordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Red Cross
Glens Falls Office

Communications Lead
Donald James N2VU

Team Commander
Jake Haker N2FIN

Warren County Office
of Emergency Services

Ann Marie Mason

Glens Falls Hospital

Director of Emergency Services
Laura Stebbins KD2HHM

Public Info Managers

Web Site
Jeff Archambeault AJ2A

Bernie Capron N1NDN

David Gealt KD2BVA

Mickey Corentto N2MC

David Gealt KD2BVA
Mickey Corentto N2MC
Jeff Archambeault AJ2A