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Weekly Club Net Script

Info on Weekly nets held by the W2WCR ARC

We hold weekly nets at 7:00 pm every Thursday night on the linked Prospect Mt. Gore Mt. and Burch Hill repeaters.

Net Opening and Closing

(Before net starts)

This is (call sign). The Warren County Amateur Radio Club will be holding it's weekly net at the top of the hour (in 00 minutes). Meanwhile, if anyone needs to use the repeater before we start, please do so now.

The WCRCN will begin in (00 Minutes).

(Start NET at 7:00PM)

Good evening and welcome to the Warren County Amateur Radio Club NET, held every Thursday evening (at this time / 19:00hrs) on these linked repeaters;

  • Prospect Mountain which is 1-4-6 decimal 7 – 3 MHz? with a PL tone of 1 – 0 – 0
  • Also the Prospect Mountain 220MHz Repeater, 2-2-4 decimal 7-8MHz with no PL tone
  • And Gore Mountain which is 1- 4- 7 decimal 1 – 3 – 5 – MHZ with a PL tone 1 – 2 - 3
  • The Burch Hill repeater which is 1-4-6 decimal 7-7-5 MHz with a PL of 123.0

My name is (__________) – my call is (call sign). I will be your net control station for this session.

This net is open to all radio-amateurs. If at any time there is any emergency or priority traffic please just say the word BREAK and this net will be suspended until such traffic has been handled --- IS there any emergency or priority traffic at this time?

(Handle traffic if any)

  • This is a Rag-Chew net, however if you just want to check in and leave it at that, we’d love to hear from you. Any stations, Base, mobile or portable – in any county – any state are all welcome to call!
  • The Prospect and Gore mountain Repeaters are owned and maintained by Warren County
  • Now to get the net started, giving the courtesy to Portables, Mobiles or stations who are short on time, please call now with your name current location or QTH and what repeater you are using.
  • (Do a read-back in the order stations checked in, if there are any doubts to the call up then ask) “Are there any corrections to the check-ins – if so call now with corrections”.
  • Now open call, any station in any location Please give call now with your name, QTH and what repeater you are using. Again you do not need to be a club member to join us, this net is open to all radio amateurs. (note: keep in mind let the stations who are mobile, portable or short on time go first and put them at the top of the rotation)
  • We love to hear from some distant stations, these repeaters are in Warren county and Washington County New York. It would be great to hear how far in any direction we’re being heard or are able to reach out to.
  • (Do Not read on the air, for net controllers reference) Use the order of all who checked in to the net and proceed to run the net in that order.
  • Please let me know when you are going to leave the net so i can take you out of the rotation, and we will begin in this order starting with________.(first check in), then pass it along to _____ ect.
  • At anytime you forget who you are supposed to pass it to next, please hand it back to Net Control
  • (Again for reference, do not read on the air) Net controller can bring up any topics or discussions or anyone in the net can. At this point let the net roll and take time to do more open calls for any other amateurs to check in to the net if they are late joining in.
  • If you are on facebook, like the club's facebook page, simply search "W2WCR" there is useful information on this page regarding the club, news, events, testing sessions, pictures etc.
  • If you are not on Facebook, visit the Club site by logging on to there is information about club meetings, Latest projects by club members, News and upcoming events, Pictures, very useful information and  a club application form
  • Note that the club meets on the last Monday (non holiday) of every month. (note to net control the location should be announced hence we are bouncing between meeting locations)

Again, this net is open to all radio-amateurs so you do not have to be a regular or be in Warren County to check it.

(Net close)

Thank you to all the stations that checked in! This is Warren County Radio Club Net Control and this concludes our weekly net. This is (call sign) closing NET and returning the repeaters over to normal amateur use – Good Night!

Club Officials
Chris Franco AF2V
Vice President
Bernie Capron N1NDN
Ron Lyke W2PLK
Julie Paquette N2JUL
Repeater Trustee
Bernie Capron N1NDN
Steve Johnson KB1IVE
Board of Directors
George Dunklee KD2FKH
Ted Wright KC2BLE
Steve Leonard NY2SL

Served Agency Liaisons

Warren County RACES
Radio Officer
David Gealt KD2BVA
Deputy Radio Officer
Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Warren County ARES
Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA
Assistant Emergency

Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Washington County

Radio Officer
Jami Olden N2ZTC

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Bernie Capron N1NDN

Northern District, ENY Section ARES
Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA

Warren County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Cooordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Red Cross
Glens Falls Office

Communications Lead
Donald James N2VU

Team Commander
Jake Haker N2FIN

Warren County Office
of Emergency Services

Ann Marie Mason

Glens Falls Hospital

Director of Emergency Services
Laura Stebbins KD2HHM

Public Info Managers

Web Site
Jeff Archambeault AJ2A

Bernie Capron N1NDN

David Gealt KD2BVA

Mickey Corentto N2MC

David Gealt KD2BVA
Mickey Corentto N2MC
Jeff Archambeault AJ2A