Jeff Archambeault
- Welcome
- Same as my QRZ.COM page, but better!
- PacketRadio
- CommInterop
- Communication Interoperability possibilities
- My latest email, from the MI-DRG...
- MeetingNotesAug2010
- Notes for the Aug 2010 club meeting re APRS and Packet
- HSMMMesh
- So as I stated, HSMM-Mesh is my current field of interest.
Communication Interoperability Diagram
- Diagram that accompanies CommInterop wiki
- My SQL Card
- BBHNChallengeWeekend
- Proposed singular weekend event ala field-day to build a coast-to-coast mesh using WRT-54Gs
- AJ2A Plastics
- Plastic thingies related to ham radio that Jeff makes for local hams to support his filament addiction.